• N. A. Konstantinov Gorno-Altai State University Email:
  • A. V. Ebel Gorno-Altai state University Email:
Keywords: Altai, Mongolian time, a burial, a quiver, iron arrowheads, iron stirrups


In 2016 two residents of the Kokorya village, Kosh-Agach district of the Altai Republic discovered some objects from Mongolian time kept in the burial log. The findings from the burial were transported to the Kokorya village Historical and Ethnographic Museum of the Chuya Telengits (a branch of the National Museum of the Altai Republic named after Andrei Anokhin). The discovered set of objects is represented by armament items (quiver, iron arrowheads and fragments of wooden arrow shafts), items of horse equipment (iron stirrups, iron bits, birch bark parts of the saddle) and fragments of other items. The emphasis is made of a birch bark quiver decorated with ornamented bone plates. The pattern on the plates was made by lines filled with black paint. The upper part of the birch bark quiver case is also covered by black paint, in the place where the ornamented plates are fastened. Such quivers, decorated with bone ornamented plates, were widespread in the territory of the entire former Mongolian Empire and regions subject to its influence. Judging by analogies of the quiver and other findings, the complex dates back to the Mongolian time of 13th-14th centuries.


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How to Cite
Konstantinov N. A., Ebel A. V. NEW FINDS OF THE MONGOLIAN TIME FROM SOUTH-EAST ALTAI (Preliminary Report) // THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 1. Vol. 18, № 2. P. 22-29 DOI: 10.14258/tpai(2017)2(18).-02. URL: