In this article the current stage of the researches and principle problematic of the Neolithic period (4 – 2, 500 BP) in the Island Southeast Asia (Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, and East Timor) are examined. Until recently these topics were practically missed in publications of Russian archaeologists; they never were working on the territory of the Island Southeast Asia, and joint excavations never took place. The dominating hypothesis about the routes and time-frames of the appearance on the Neolithic in the region are “Out of Taiwan” (by P. Bellwood) and “Nusantao” (by W. Solheim II). Both are pointing on the maritime-type migrations from the continent, on the introduction of new technologies (pottery-making, agriculture, cattle-breading) and on the changes in the ethnical context. Analysis of the archaeological materials allows confirming the significant peculiarities of the Neolithic in the region which are determined by the geography and climate, and are expressed in duration, multi-temporal manifestations of new technologies, specific character of the sites and the migrants-locals relationships.
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