The article presents the results of the research of the ancient hillfort of Dikaya Yama, located in the Middle Tobol River Basin. As it was found out, the dwellings and the fortifications are located according to an accurate plan, which allows us to assume that the hillfort had been preliminary designed. Probably, the hillfort had been abandoned intentionally, since no traces of battle, fire, left things, etc. were found. Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the finds and their location also demonstrate that the hillfort zone was abandoned deliberately. During excavations at the second site of the hillfort, a dwelling withresidential and household chambers, connected by a long corridor, was explored. The discovered traces of iron processing, weaving, bone carving, ceramic production allow us to reconstruct the crafts of the settlers.Fragments of imported Central Asian ceramics, beads with a gold facing from within are indicative of a high social status of certain residents. The site is characterized by syncretic materials of the Sargatskaya and Gorokhovskaya cultures of the Early Iron Age, which reflect a synthesis of their house-building and fortification traditions. The hillfort dates back to the 3rd century BC – 1st century AD.
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