The settlement of Abylai is located in the Karkaralinsky district of the Karaganda region, northwest of the Nurken village. The site was discovered in 2004 by A.Z. Beisenov during exploration work. The buildings with stone bases are located on the south – eastern slope of the hill and occupy a meridian strip about100 m long and about 20 m wide. Near the settlement there are two streams. The article provides the data of the excavation 1, laid down in the settlement in 2016. On the area of 208 m2, the remains of nine small stone structures of residential and economic purpose were discovered, with rounded and elongated shapes. More than 1200 fragments from molded vessels with flat bottoms and over 200 stone tools and blanks were found on the excavation area. 143 fragments are the coronals of the vessels. A small part of the disheshave the ornament in the form of small pits and “pearls”. The bulk of tools are made of tuff, granite and sandstone. In total, 2256 bones of animals found on excavation site 1 were studied. Specific definition was made in relation to 754 bones. All definable bones are related to domestic animals: small horned livestock, cattle, horses. Such data of the monument, as features of topography and planning, ceramic complex, are uniquely close to the previously studied settlements of the Saka time of Central Kazakhstan, dated within the 7th – 5th centuries BC.
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