The article presents the results of the analysis of barrow structures, burial structures, ritual elements and inventory of sites of the Okunevo culture of the Khakass-Minusinsk depression. The author considers the Okunevo phenomenon as a part of an extensive cultural and historical community of the Early Bronze Age, covering the territories of East Kazakhstan, Altai, Southern Siberia, Tuva, Mongolia, North-West China and came at the end of the 1st half of the 3rd millennium BC to replace the Afanasyevo one. In the process of research, five chronological horizons of the existence of Okunevo culture have been identified and substantiated: Uybat, Tashkazinsky, Lebyazhynsky, Chernivsky and Razlivsky. A detailed description of each historical period is presented, their time frames are determined. It is noted that this periodization is not final and will continue to expand and to be refined by attracting new materials from the southern regions of the Khakass-Minusinsk depression
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