NEW DATA ON THE INITIAL UPPER PALEOLITHIC ASSEMBLAGES FROM THE USHBULAK SITE (based on evidence from the southern part of the site)

  • G.I. Markovsky Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS Email:
  • M.B. Kozlikin Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS Email:
  • A.A. Anoykin Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS Email:
Keywords: Kazakhstan, initial Upper Paleolithic, Ushbulak, test pits, blade reduction, marker tools, blade reduction, marker tools


This article presents the results from a study of the southern part of the Paleolithic site of Ushbulak, based on the evidence documented in test pit 5. The site is located in the Shilikty Valley (North-Eastern Kazakhstan) and was discovered in 2016. In 2016–2018, four test pits, a trench and two excavations were produced at the site. Test pit 5 is situated on the bank of a stream, 15 m south of excavation 2, in geomorphological conditions similar to those present in the latter. Archaeological excavations in the test pit were carried out in 2017 and 2018. Fieldresearch has made it possible to reveal a stratigraphic section that includes 5 layers, as well as a collection of archaeological finds (2,802 specimens). A comparative analysis of the sections shows that the lithological units recognized in test pit 5 have their counterparts in the layers from excavation 2. The primary flaking in the stone tool industry from test pit 5 appears to have been focused on producing blades in the context of parallel volumetric counter reduction. The tool assemblage includes end-scrapers, retouched blades, double burins, retouched points, knives, and truncated blades. Based on techno-typological characteristics, stone artifacts from test pit 5 are similar to the Initial Upper Paleolithic assemblages from excavation 2. This is corroborated by the fact that lithics indicative of the Initial Upper Paleolithic stone tool industries from South Siberia and northern Central Asia, such as points with a trimmed base, truncated faceted pieces, notched blades, and core-shaped burin, were found to be present in the archeological assemblage from test pit 5. The presence of evidence in the archeological assemblages and stratigraphy of test pit 5, showing a close analogy to that from excavation 2, confirmed that the southern part of the Ushbulak site has promising prospects for further study


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Author Biographies

G.I. Markovsky , Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS

Junior Researcher, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, SB RAS

M.B. Kozlikin, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS

Candidate of Historical Sciences, researcher at the Institute of Archaology and Ethnography SB RAS

A.A. Anoykin, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, SB RAS


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How to Cite
Markovsky G., Kozlikin M., Anoykin A. NEW DATA ON THE INITIAL UPPER PALEOLITHIC ASSEMBLAGES FROM THE USHBULAK SITE (based on evidence from the southern part of the site) // THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 2019. Vol. 28, № 4. P. 141-153 DOI: 10.14258/tpai(2019)4(28).-10. URL: