BONE (HORN) ARROWHEADS OF THE POPULATION OF ALTAI IN ROURAN TIME (on the materials of the archaeological complex Choburak-I)

  • N.N. Seregin Altai State University Email:
  • A.A. Tishkin Altai State University Email:
  • S.S. Matrenin 1Altai State University; Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Email:
  • T.S. Parshikova Altai State University Email:
Keywords: Altai, Rouran time, Choburak-I, bone (horn) arrowheads, morphological analysis, classification, typology, chronology


The article presents the results of the systematization and analysis of the bone (horn) arrowheads discovered during excavations of the objects of the Rouran time of the archaeological complex Choburak-I (Northern Altai). The classification of 14 items recorded in five male burials of the site was carried out. It was established that in the analyzed collection there are both already known and specific types of arrowheads, some of which do not have exact analogies in the materials of the Bulan-Koby culture. An analysis of the indicated group of finds showed that arrowheads with petiolate were developed on the basis of local samples from the preceding Xianbei period. These products existed for a long period (apparently, in the framework of the 2nd–5th centuries AD). Arrowheads with a protruding barrel-shaped sleeve date from the 2nd quarter of the 1st millennium AD. Significant similarity of such products with specimens from the sites of the Burkhotui culture of the 4th–6th centuries AD may indicate the orientation of the bone carving production of the population of Altai and East Transbaikalia to the common “samples” of the material culture of one of the Xianbei ethnic groups. The arrowhead with a clamping nozzle differs in a certain originality, which, according to its typological characteristics, refers to fairly late modifications. A comparative study of clamping and sleeve arrowheads demonstrates the continuity of bone carving production of the late Bulan-Koby culture and the early Turks of Altai.


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Author Biographies

N.N. Seregin, Altai State University

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Archaeology, Ethnography and Museology, Altai State University

A.A. Tishkin, Altai State University

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor; Head of the Department of Archaeology, Ethnography and Museology, Altai State University

S.S. Matrenin, 1Altai State University; Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Researcher at the Research and Development Support Department of Altai State University; Senior Lecturer, Department of History and Philosophy, Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

T.S. Parshikova, Altai State University

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Deputy Director, Museum of Archeology and Ethnography, Altai State University


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How to Cite
Seregin N., Tishkin A., Matrenin S., Parshikova T. BONE (HORN) ARROWHEADS OF THE POPULATION OF ALTAI IN ROURAN TIME (on the materials of the archaeological complex Choburak-I) // THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 2020. Vol. 29, № 1. P. 88-99 DOI: 10.14258/tpai(2020)1(29).-05. URL:

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