• A.Z. Beisenov Begazy-Tasmola Research Center of History and Archaeology Email:
Keywords: Central Kazakhstan, barrows with “the ridges”, ritual mound, animal bones, radiocarbon analyzes


Barrows with “ridges” are widespread in Kazakhstan, as well as in some regions outside it. Based on his research in previous publications, the author expressed an opinion on the ritual nature of these structures, which were built in the course of the farewell and memorial processes. The report, prepared according to the materials of Central Kazakhstan, considers the bones of animals that are under the mounds, as well as under the stones of the strip of “the ridges”. In most cases, these bones belong to the skeleton of a horse. Full skeletons are rare. During the excavation, individual bones from the skeleton, the skull, are usually found. In many cases, only fragments from the bones are preserved, and very often they are poorly preserved. On the bones of animals found in mounds with “the ridges” of Central Kazakhstan, the author obtained a series of radiocarbon dates in laboratories in the UK, Russia and Canada. One part of the dates relates to ancient periods. Along with this, in some cases, 14C analysis shows that the bones of animals belong to later periods: ancient Turkic, Kypchak, and also Kazakh time. In working with bones from barrows with “the ridges”, a thorough approach, a special accounting and analysis system are required.




Author Biography

A.Z. Beisenov, Begazy-Tasmola Research Center of History and Archaeology

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Chief Researcher at the Margulan Institute of Archaeology


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