The presented essay dedicated to the memory of an outstanding scientist considers the main stages of biography, scientific activity and analyzes the main scientific works of Arkady Romanovich Kim. His research results made a significant contribution to the study of the anthropological composition of the indigenous peoples of Siberia: the Kyzyls, Shors, Kumandins, Teleuts, and Barbara Tatars. The result of many years of scientific work was the identification of an intermediate peculiar North Altai anthropological variant. This type goes beyond the variations of the Ural and South Siberian type and occupies an independent taxonomic position in the racial taxonomy of the peoples of Siberia. The distinguished type has special morphological features: a longer, narrower and higher brain box, a wider and more profiled, but often a higher face. A talented teacher and organizer of science Arkady Romanovich is the founder of the Cabinet of Anthropology on the basis of Altai State University. Currently, the Cabinet, along with the centers of Tomsk, Novosibirsk and Tyumen, is one of the largest centers for the storage and processing of anthropological materials in Siberia.
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