• Ya.A. Lukpanova A.Kh. Margulan Institute of Archaeology; West Kazakhstan Center of History and Archaeology Email: lukpanovayana@gmail.com
Keywords: Zhaiyk, burial mound, burial Sarmatians, ritual, rite, social status, marker


For the first time the article introduces materials of kurgan 1 of the Zhaiyk-1 burial ground excavated in the field season of 2019. The excavations were associated with the planned opening of the museum complex of “Zhaiyk Settlement”. The mound was located at the entrance to the territory of the future open-air museum. As a result of intense anthropogenic impact, the mound was in an emergency condition. The central part of the mound had been demolished by heavy machinery, the western part had also been damaged. The entire surface of the kurgan was torn by burrowing animals. As a result of archaeological research in the mound, surrounded by a circular ditch with a marked entrance from the southern side, 14 burials were examined. To the west of the central grave were burials of women – five complexes, to the east – seven complexes with male graves. The obtained materials are attributed to different times; they were deposited over a period of the 5th –4th  to 4th –3rd centuries BC. Within the proposed article, exclusively female burials are discussed, for the better preservation of their materials. Analysis of this and other factors leads to the conclusion about the significant role of women in ancient society.


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Author Biography

Ya.A. Lukpanova, A.Kh. Margulan Institute of Archaeology; West Kazakhstan Center of History and Archaeology

Researcher at Margulan Institute of Archaeology; Dostyk Ave. Senior Researcher, West Kazakhstan Center for History and Archeology


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How to Cite
Lukpanova Y. FEMALE BURIALS FROM MOUND 1 OF THE ZHAIYK-1 BURIAL GROUND IN WESTERN KAZAKHSTAN // THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 2020. Vol. 30, № 2. P. 111-127 DOI: 10.14258/tpai(2020)2(30).-08. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/tpai/article/view/%2830%29.-08.