NOTES IN THE MARGINS OF THE BOOK (I.V. Kovtun “Andronovsky Ornament”)

  • V.I. Kuzin-Losev Donetsk Republican Regional Museum Email:
Keywords: Bronze age, Andronovо culture, Structuralism, «new archaeology», ornament, structure, content, cultural meanings


The article analyzes the monograph of I.V. Kovtun “Аndronovo Ornament (morphology and mythology)”. Attention is paid to the morphology of pictorial texts on Andronov vessels from the standpoint of structuralism. The basic structures of pictorial texts are revealed, the general attraction of masters of Andronov culture to asymmetric compositions is stated. The degree of development of consciousness of representatives of Andronov cultural and historical community is restored. The general character of the historical epoch of the late Bronze age of Northern Eurasia is described. Andronovo art appears as a complete system. It is characterized by a variety that is realized within a limited number of structures and graphic elements. This reflection allows us to trace the patterns of graphic changes in time and space and to mark certain trends within local territories and between them.


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Author Biography

V.I. Kuzin-Losev, Donetsk Republican Regional Museum

Senior Researcher, Donetsk Republican Museum of Local Lore


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How to Cite
Kuzin-Losev V. NOTES IN THE MARGINS OF THE BOOK (I.V. Kovtun “Andronovsky Ornament”) // THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 2020. Vol. 30, № 2. P. 187-203 DOI: 10.14258/tpai(2020)2(30).-15. URL: