• V.I. Kuzin-Losev Donetsk Republican Regional Museum Email:
Keywords: Paleometal Ages, culture Majkop, culture Novosvobodnaya, the poetics of art, foreshortening


The article is devoted to the consideration of specific features of constructing images of the Maikop and Novosvoboda cultures of the North Caucasus. The visible originality of the images on the vessels from the Oshad mound, the vessel from the Sunzhensk burial ground, the slabs from the burial in the Kladi tract,the presence of small sculptural forms allows us to get to the basics of the poetics of fine art in the North Caucasus of the early Metal Age. The article deals with one of the aspects of poetics related to the originality of the foreshortening in the depiction of the Maikop and Novosvoboda cultures. The peculiarity lies in the use of techniques of reverse perspective, a special point of view (the point from which images are built on the plane) in paintings, combination the front and profile presentation of images within the picture, summing up the overall impression from such different foreshortening. The specificity of plastic art forms of North Caucasian cultures is noted. All of these features of depiction allow us to speak about a fairly high degree of mythologization of the consciousness the Maykop and Novosvoboda cultures representatives. The revealed pictorial techniques are universal for the cultures of a certain historical stage of development of society, and therefore observations of North Caucasian figurativeness allow them to be transferred to the figurativeness of other cultures of Northern Eurasia during the early metal and Bronze Ages.


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Author Biography

V.I. Kuzin-Losev, Donetsk Republican Regional Museum

Senior Researcher, Donetsk Republican Museum of Local Lore


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