• K.A. Rudenko Kazan State Institute of Culture Email:
Keywords: Imenkovo culture, archaeology, typology, crucibles, slag, jewelry craft, Tetyushy II hillfort


For the first time, the article examines the crucibles of the Imenkovo culture – special devices for melting non-ferrous metals. They are most characteristic of jewelry and are one of the important signs of its existence in the settlements. They are known on the sites of the Imenkovo Culture, where unbroken products are rarely found. At the same time fragments do not always provide an opportunity to restore shape. The collection of crucibles from the Tetyushy II hillfort in Tatarstan, in the amount of 49 pieces, includes both whole crucibles and large fragments from which it is possible to restore the original shape. It became the basis to develop a typology of these artifacts. The stratigraphy of the Tetyushy II hillfort and the finds of crucibles in closed complexes with dating items made it possible to date crucibles of different types. It was found that there were several basic forms of crucibles – in the form of a cone and in the form of a cylinder. Moreover, they had a different capacity. The author believes that large crucibles were needed for the manufacture of bronze ingots. Smaller crucibles were used for casting products. It was noted that only crucibles of small size and cylindrical shape had a drain. Most crucibles did not have it. A separate type are crucibles in the form of a spoon with a handle. They are most likely used in the manufacture of tin or lead products. It was established that the most popular crucibles in the Imenkovo culture were medium-sized crucibles (height 6 cm, diameter – 5 cm) of conical shape (1: 1.2 ratio) with a massive pointed bottom, 2–3 cm thick, without drainage. Metal melting in crucibles was carried out in special pits, which were studied at the Tetyushy II hillfort. There were also several workshops where jewelers worked. The workshops contained the largest number of fragments of crucibles and the traces of the manufacturing process. These are metal drops, copper plates intended for remelting, as well as solid pieces of glass mass. Thus, for the first time the the main types of crucibles of the Imenkovo culture have been identified, their dates and the nature of the process of melting metal in crucibles have been established.


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Author Biography

K.A. Rudenko, Kazan State Institute of Culture

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Kazan State Institute of Culture


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How to Cite
Rudenko K. CRUCIBLES OF THE 6th – 7th CENTURIES AD FROM THE IMENKOVO CULTURE // THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 2020. Vol. 31, № 3. P. 65-81 DOI: 10.14258/tpai(2020)3(31).-06. URL:

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