NEW DATA ON RADIO-CARBON DATING OF FUNERAL COMPLEXES OF BULAN-KOBa CULTURE IN ALTAI (on materials of excavation of kurgan group Stepushka-I)

  • A.A. Tishkin Altai state University Email:
  • S.S. Matrenin Altai state University Email:
Keywords: Altai, the Bulan-Koba archaeological culture, kurgan group Stepushka-I, Xianbi-Jujan time, excavation, burial, accompanying inventory, samples, radiocarbon analysis, laboratory, dating


To date, there are a significant number of excavated barrows of the Bulan-Koba culture of Altai, dating from the 2nd century BC to 5th century AD. The submissions highlighted three stages of development of  existing communities that correlate with periods of domination in Central Asia of the Xiongnu nomadic empire, the Xianbi, and the Jujan nomadic empires. The problems of detailed chronology of various categories of the found items are solved by means of typological method and attracted analogies. The number of calibrated radiocarbon dating is still limited. The preparation and timely introduction of such data to the scientific use is an urgent research priority. In this regard, the article published the results of radiocarbon analysis of selected samples of osteological material from six barrows of the site Stepushka-I to complement existing information. The designated archaeological complex was investigated by an expedition from Altai State University in the summer and autumn of 2010 in an area of road construction. The article gives a ratio of calibrated radiocarbon datings for each of the barrows with the chronology established by traditional archaeological methods. As a result the authors may assume that the burials of kurgan group Stepushka-I were made in a short period (no more than 70 years). Most of the collected samples were analyzed in the laboratory of the Institute of History of Material Culture, the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg).


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How to Cite
Tishkin A., Matrenin S. NEW DATA ON RADIO-CARBON DATING OF FUNERAL COMPLEXES OF BULAN-KOBa CULTURE IN ALTAI (on materials of excavation of kurgan group Stepushka-I) // THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 1. Vol. 7, № 1. P. 147-153 DOI: 10.14258/tpai(2013)1(7).-10. URL:

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