Keywords: Xinjiang, Bronze Age, Early Iron Age, metallurgy, Eurasia


This paper examines the form and chemical composition of metal artifacts of three successive cultures of the Hami region. The metal artifacts of the Tianshanbeilu culture are rather diverse in both type and material; body ornaments are dominant, whereas tools and weapons are quantitatively modest. The typological composition and the predominance of body ornaments made of tin bronze, pure copper, and arsenic copper are reminiscent of the Karasuk culture in the Minusinsk Basin and the Siba culture in the Hexi Corridor. Apart from the bulk metal types, there are gold, lead, and antimonial copper. The metal artifacts of the succeeding culture of Yanbulake are morphologically derived from Tianshanbeilu. In the subsequent Heigouliang culture, apart from old types of metal artifacts inherited from the Yanbulake culture, there are a number of new types of artifacts that are morphologically derived from nomadic cultures in the Eurasian steppe. In the cultures of Yanbulake and Heigouliang, the use of tin bronze, arsenic copper, and pure copper prevailed. The source of minerals, especially tin, which is used throughout the three successive cultures, awaits further investigation.


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Author Biographies

Zhang Liangren, School of History, Nanjing University

Doctor, Professor of School of History, Nanjing University

Chen Jianli, School of Archaeology and Museology, Peking University

Professor of School of Archaeology and Museology, Peking University

Ling Yong, School of Cultural Heritage, Northwest University

Doctor, Lecturer of School of Cultural Heritage

Chang Xien, Xinjiang Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology

Bachelor, Associate Researcher of Xinjiang Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology

Liu Guorui, Department of Culture and Tourism Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region

Senior Administrator of Department of Culture and Tourism, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region

Kurban Rahman, Hami Museum

Bachelor, Associate Researcher at Hami City Museum

Murat Esmayil, Hami Museum

Bachelor, Associate Researcher at Hami City Museum

Yan Feng, Hami Museum

Bachelor, Vice-Director of Hami City Museum

Ma Yuan, Hami Museum

Bachelor, Senior Researcher of Hami City Museum


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How to Cite
Liangren Z., Jianli C., Yong L., Xien C., Guorui L., Rahman K., Esmayil M., Feng Y., Yuan M. EARLY METALLURGY OF EASTERN XINJIANG // THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 2021. Vol. 33, № 3. P. 203-239 DOI: 10.14258/tpai(2021)33(3).-12. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/tpai/article/view/10496.