Keywords: Mongolia, Central Asia, Far East, Upper Paleolithic, microblade percussion


he focus of this investigation is on the technology of micro-percussion in the Upper Paleolithic of Mongolia. Micro-percussion is defined as the entire assemblage of lithic artifacts associated with the production of microblades. The complexes analyzed here include microcores and microblades, but not tools made of them. Until recently, microblade percussion has never been considered a distinct trend emergent in the lithic technology of the Early Upper Paleolithic of Mongolia. In this paper, based upon lithic materials from northern Mongolia and the Gobi Altai, we prove the existence of microblade percussion at the early stages of the Upper Paleolithic (37–26 000 BP) and persisting until the very beginning of the Holocene (11–10 500 BP). In other words, this is crosscutting technology for the region. We conclude that in the Early Upper Paleolithic complexes of northern Mongolia, preferential reduction initially emphasized narrow-front and, later, wedge-shaped microcore production. Analysis of materials from the Final Paleolithic and the Early Holocene horizons at the Tolbor-15 site, along with representative surface collections and GIS modeling of site location patterns along tributaries of the Selenga River, allow us to formulate a series of hypotheses regarding the origin of the wedge-shaped flaking technique in northern Mongolia and the dynamics and directionality of its diffusion. The microblade technique observable in the Final Paleolithic of northern Mongolia exhibits more similarities with lithic complexes known archaeologically to the south (Inner Mongolia) and east (Russian Far East, Korean Peninsula, and Japanese Archipelago), not with the Russian Trans-Baikal region.


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Author Biographies

Andrey V. Tabarev, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the SB RAS

Tabarev is Leading Research Fellow, Division of Foreign Archaeology, Head, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch

Sergey A. Gladyshev, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the SB RAS

Gladyshev is Senior Research Fellow, Department of the Archaeology of the Stone Age, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch


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