On the Functional Purpose of the Seyma-Turbino Bronze Spearheads With a Hook

Keywords: fork, bushing, hook, hunting, feather, rogatina


Spear, “rogatina”, was an effective tool to hunt bears, elks and wild boars. To stop the attack of a massive animal, people used various devices strengthened on the bushing. On the Seyma-Turbino fork spears found in Western Siberia, the hook located under the nib could also serve as one of the variants of such devices. The initial design flaw of such products was the fork located at the level (or above) of the connection line of the bushing with the nib. This is how the spearheads were modeled in the Rostovka burial ground, as well as in the Pyshminskaya and Priirtyshskaya collections. In the metallurgical traditions of Eastern Europe, the fork was replaced by a rhombic rhombic nib rod. On the territory of Western Siberia, starting from the original leaf-like shape of the forked tips, the Seima-Turbino craftsmen began to make specialized Theory and practice of archaeological research samples with a reinforced connection of a the bushing and a narrow feather. The relatively later appearance of forked spearheads with a narrow nib and a modified fork was most likely due to their main functional purpose - hunting.



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Author Biography

Yu.I. Mikhailov, Research and Production Association ArchaeoPolis

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Research and Production Association ArchaeoPolis


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How to Cite
Mikhailov Y. On the Functional Purpose of the Seyma-Turbino Bronze Spearheads With a Hook // THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 2021. Vol. 33, № 4. P. 30-44 DOI: 10.14258/tpai(2021)33(4).-02. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/tpai/article/view/10748.