Coins and Jetons from the Kozyulinsky Burial Mound as a Historical Source

Keywords: numismatics, coins, jetons, Kozyulinsky burial site, Tomsk Ob region, 17th century


The article introduces the coins and jetons from the Kozyulinsky burial mound, and gives their full description: 70 coins and 2 coin-like plates, 13 jetons and 1 imitation. The results are presented of the elemental composition of those numismatic finds, visual identification of which was difficult. The background of finding the coins and jetons in the burial is provided along with the information: where they were located, what were the associated objects. All finds were analyzed on the basis of sex/age. Some of the coins and all jetons were punched, which indicates they were used as jewelry. Most of the coins from the burials were not punched. This probably indicates that people who left the Kozyulinsky burial mound also used coins as a monetary equivalent, which had an individual value.

Coins and Nuremberg jetons are one of the reliable sources as far as the dating of the burial complexes of the 17th — 19th centuries is concerned. The carried out research clarify the dating of the Kozyulinsky burial mound (kurgan burial): there are no coins and jetons aged later than 1676 in it. The published materials may be useful for clarifying the chronology of synchronous archaeological sites of the Western Siberia and adjacent territories.


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Author Biographies

L.M. Pletneva, Tomsk State Pedagogical University

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Department of World History, Archaeology and Ethnology, Tomsk State Pedagogical University

A.A. Pushkarev, Tomsk State University

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Research-Engineer of the Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Research in Archaeology “Artefact”, Tomsk State University


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How to Cite
Pletneva L., Pushkarev A. Coins and Jetons from the Kozyulinsky Burial Mound as a Historical Source // THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 2021. Vol. 33, № 4. P. 57-80 DOI: 10.14258/tpai(2021)33(4).-04. URL: