The Results of the Complex Study of the Kurteke Site (Eastern Pamir)

  • S.V. Shnaider International Laboratory “ArchaeoZOOlogy in Siberia and Central Asia” ZooSCAn, IRL 2013, CNRS — IAET SB RAS International Research Laboratory – Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the SB RAS Email:
  • K.A. Ashastina Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History Email:
  • S. Alisher kyzy International Laboratory “ArchaeoZOOlogy in Siberia and Central Asia” ZooSCAn, IRL 2013, CNRS — IAET SB RAS International Research Laboratory – Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the SB RAS Email:
  • N. Sayfullaev A. Donish Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography Email:
  • G.A. Zakabluk Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine SB RAS Email:
  • A.A. Chernonosov Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine SB RAS Email:
  • R. Splengler Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History Email:
  • L.V. Zotkina International Laboratory “ArchaeoZOOlogy in Siberia and Central Asia” ZooSCAn, IRL 2013, CNRS — IAET SB RAS International Research Laboratory – Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the SB RAS Email:
Keywords: Eastern Pamir, Neolithic, ZooMS analysis, carpologic analysis, rockart


The materials of most of the archaeological sites of the Eastern Pamirs are known from lifting samples. One of them is the Kurteke rock shelter, that was discovered in 1960 by V.A. Ranov. At that time at the site there were distinguished two cultural layers dated to the Neolithic-Eneolithic and Eneolithic-Bronze period. This site is also interesting because on the walls of the rock shelter , directly above the cultural layers there are rock paintings of anthropomorphic and geometric figures. Modern data have shown that the first layer associated with the settlement of the site belongs to the final Pleistocene (older than 13 thousand years ago). In the course of the new stage of the study, palynological and carpological analysis of the soil, the study of undetectable faunal remains using the ZooMS method, and the documentation of rock carvings of the site were carried out. A comprehensive interdisciplinary study of the Kurteke materials showed that the stone industry presented here is typical of the mountainous part of Central Asia; the climate during both periods of human settlement of the site was arid, and despite the presence of cereal plants, no direct indications of their domestication were found; the faunistic composition of the site is represented by taxa typical for the territory of the Eastern Pamirs today; in the rock art there are images common in the territory of Central and Central Asia in the Bronze Age.


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Author Biographies

S.V. Shnaider, International Laboratory “ArchaeoZOOlogy in Siberia and Central Asia” ZooSCAn, IRL 2013, CNRS — IAET SB RAS International Research Laboratory – Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the SB RAS

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher, International  Research Laboratory ArchaeoZOOlogy in Siberia and Central Asia — ZooSCAn, CNRS — IAET SB RAS, IRL 2013

K.A. Ashastina, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History

PhD, Researcher in Archaeobotany Laboratory at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena, Germany

S. Alisher kyzy, International Laboratory “ArchaeoZOOlogy in Siberia and Central Asia” ZooSCAn, IRL 2013, CNRS — IAET SB RAS International Research Laboratory – Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the SB RAS

Junior Researcher, International Research Laboratory ArchaeoZOOlogy in Siberia and Central Asia — ZooSCAn, CNRS — IAET SB RAS, IRL 2013

N. Sayfullaev, A. Donish Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Head of Archaeology department in A. Donish Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography

G.A. Zakabluk, Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine SB RAS

PhD-student, Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine SB RAS

A.A. Chernonosov, Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine SB RAS

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine SB RAS

R. Splengler, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History

PhD, Archaeobotany Laboratory Director at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History

L.V. Zotkina, International Laboratory “ArchaeoZOOlogy in Siberia and Central Asia” ZooSCAn, IRL 2013, CNRS — IAET SB RAS International Research Laboratory – Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the SB RAS

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher International Research Laboratory ArchaeoZOOlogy in Siberia and Central Asia - ZooSCAn, CNRS — IAET SB RAS, IRL 2013


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How to Cite
Shnaider S., Ashastina K., Alisher kyzy S., Sayfullaev N., Zakabluk G., Chernonosov A., Splengler R., Zotkina L. The Results of the Complex Study of the Kurteke Site (Eastern Pamir) // THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 2021. Vol. 33, № 4. P. 284-296 DOI: 10.14258/tpai(2021)33(4).-16. URL: