• R.M. Kharitonov Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Email:
Keywords: bow, weapons, classification, overlays, Russian science


The article is devoted to the analysis of the problems issue of studying bows in Russian science. The theme has been developed since the end of the 19th century, received further development as a result of the formation of the weapons science direction in the middle of the 20th century. The main interest of specialists so far has been concentrated on the study of bows of the peoples of antiquity, the evolution of their design and modification, which led to the specifics of the source base and the methods used: the main conclusions were made on the basis of the classification of individual parts and not the study of entire structures. This caused the appearance of a large number of heterogeneous contradictory reconstructions, and also created a number of methodological problems. In the works of different specialists, different, contradictory terminology was used, which could not be disclosed in the course of the study. Unity was not achieved in the understanding of individual elements and functional areas, as well as their relationship with specific details. Many schemes for the primary systematization of material were created, in most cases not included in the main classification hierarchy. In addition, when describing the material, questions of the materials used could be omitted. All this could not affect the results of the studies, however, it significantly complicates the understanding of the published material and limits further research. Based on the analysis of the problems, solutions are proposed based on a comprehensive study of the bows of the population of the Baikal region of the 12th–20th centuries, based on the involvement of both archaeological and ethnographic materials. The author’s system of primary systematization reflects the major stages of modifying the design of bows, representing modification by combining materials and creating end levers. The allocation of a new functional area — the transition zone is substantiated. A variant of solving the classification problem is represented by a consistent hierarchical division of type — a set of overlays, variant — their material and design features. Also indicated are the most important points in the study of entire structures, which were not previously considered by specialists, but which are of fundamental importance for understanding objects — metric and morphological indicators, general geometry.


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Author Biography

R.M. Kharitonov, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Research Engineer of Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


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