• L.M. Pletneva Tomsk State Pedagogical University Email:
Keywords: archaeology of the south of Western Siberia, funeral and mortuary ceremony, burial mound embankment, burial mound with burial, burial mound without buria


The article analyses the material remains of ritual actions in the embankments of 62 burial mounds of the Timiryazevo Burial Ground-1 of the 5th–10th centuries of the Upper Ob culture, from the Tomsk Priobye of the south of Western Siberia. The materials of L.M. Pletneva’s excavations in 1971 and 1973 have been reviewed. 8 species have been identified by the composition of material remains. Their analysis shows that they were found in two groups of burial mounds: with human burial (corps position and cremation) and without human burial. To reconstruct the ritual actions, the levels of material remains location have been considered according to the depth of their occurrence. It was found that in both groups of burial mounds they were located mainly at three levels from the modern day surface. These signs indicate that close ritual actions were performed. Possibly, burial mounds without burials (including cenotaphs — graves with objects but without human remains) were erected both for people who died on the side and for people already buried in this necropolis. The removal of bronze masks from dolls before their burial has been restored (in two cases). The funeral and memorial rite in the pagan worldview is a part of the life cycle. When clarifying the semantics of the vessel, the ax (axe-adze), it was concluded that they were symbols of the rebirth of man.


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Author Biography

L.M. Pletneva, Tomsk State Pedagogical University

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Department of World History, Archaeology and Ethnology, Tomsk State Pedagogical University


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