• S.V. Sirotin Institute of Archaeology Russian Academy of Sciences Email:
Keywords: Southern Urals, early nomads, bridle accessories, bronze forehead pieces, zoomorphic plaques, animal style


The article examines a series of items from the bridle sets of the “Vysokaya Mogila — Studenikin Mar” necropolis in the Southern Urals. The burial mound necropolis belongs to the nomadic nobility of the Southern Ural nomads of the 4th century BC. In terms of their design features, burial rites, and inventory, the necropolis mounds have direct analogies with the complexes of the famous Filippovka-1 burial ground and are part of the Filippovka circle of sites. The bridle sets found in the sacrificial complexes and burials of large mounds have wide parallels in the Scythian and Meotian complexes of the North Caucasus, the Don region, and the Dnieper region. Chronologically, the bridle accessories found date back to the mid-4th — early 3rd centuries BC. All items were found in rich complexes and are of great importance for the chronology of the culture of the early nomads of the Southern Urals. In addition, the discovered inventory categories characterize the geographical scope, level and chronological dynamics of the connections and contacts of the South Ural nomads with adjacent territories.


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Author Biography

S.V. Sirotin, Institute of Archaeology Russian Academy of Sciences

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Researcher of the Institute of Archaeology, Russian Academy of Sciences


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