• О/A. Fedoruk Altai State University Email:
  • A.S. Fedoruk Altai State University; Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS Email:
Keywords: Bronze Age, steppe and forest-steppe Altai, North Kulunda, Sargarinsko-Alekseevskaya culture, ceramics, Novoilinka settlement, ornamentation, forms, technical and technological analysis, raw material, pottery paste


The article presents the results of the study of Sargarinsko-Alekseevskaya ceramics from the Novoilinka settlement (North Kulunda). The analysis of vessel shapes, ornamentation, raw materials and molding masses is conducted. The ceramic series is based on pot-shaped vessels, but there are also jar-pot and jar shapes. The vessels were mainly ornamented in the shoulder and neck area, less often the decor was applied to the body or rim. The use of six techniques for applying ornamentation is noted, the most common being finger patterns and stamping. 35 types of ornamental motifs are noted on the fragments of the collection, the most common being horizontal rows of finger and nail impressions/pinches, as well as inclined or vertical chains of finger or nail impressions. The analysis of compositional constructions revealed that the largest percentage of shards are decorated with patterns consisting of one motif repeated three or more times. The technical and technological analysis revealed that in most cases ferruginous clay (mainly medium-ferruginous) with varying degrees of sand content was used to make the vessels. Six recipes for composing molding masses were revealed. In general, the tradition of adding chamotte prevailed at the site, and a mixture of traditions in the use of mineral impurities was also noted. Comparison of the obtained results with the data previously obtained for the settlements of the steppe and forest-steppe Altai shows the similarity of the complexes in the main analyzed parameters (vessel shapes, ornamentation, selection of raw materials and composition of molding masses). The specificity of the site is revealed at the level of ornamental motifs and decor application techniques, predominance of certain forms. In terms of manufacturing technology, the Novoilinka ceramics is closest to the ceramics of the Kalinovka-II settlement. The results of the study confirm the presence of the previously noted processes of interpenetration and contacts between the populations of Kazakhstan and Kulunda.



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Author Biographies

О/A. Fedoruk, Altai State University

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Researcher of the Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Study of the Archaeology of Western Siberia and Altai, Altai State University

A.S. Fedoruk, Altai State University; Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Laboratory for interdisciplinary study of the Archaeology of Western Siberia and Altai, Altai State University; Researcher of Barnaul Laboratory of Archaeology and Ethnography, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


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How to Cite
FedorukО., Fedoruk A. SARGARINSKO-ALEKSEEVSKAYA CERAMICS OF THE NOVOILINKA SETTLEMENT (Nort h Kulunda ) // THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 2025. Vol. 36, № 4. P. 178-195 DOI: 10.14258/tpai(2024)36(4).-11. URL: