Keywords: Mezhegey settlement, archaeology, tiles, architectural fragments


The article describes a small collection of finds from the Mezhegei settlement with the total of 105 items which were included in the collection of the State Hermitage in 1987. The artifacts were discovered by the Tuvan archaeological expedition of Moscow State University under the leadership of L. R. Kyzlasov in 1960. The excavations showed that the buildings of the settlement were constructed in the architectural traditions of the 11<sup>th</sup> - 13th centuries. Local builders used a frame, the foundations were made of large adobe bricks, the dwellings were heated with kangs, massive bases for columns were preserved, the roof was tiled, there were many bas-reliefs to decorate the walls and the ridge of the roof. The settlement was the remains of a Mongolian city founded in the first half of the 13th century with the area of about twenty-five hectares. There were many buildings in the city, the remains of a rampart and other structures have been preserved. The finds, according to the inventories, come from a Buddhist temple and stupa. These are mainly architectural decorations, tiles and gray clay ceramics. The article describes five findings from the Mezhegey Settlement.


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Author Biography

Yulia I. Elikhina , State Hermitage; Saint Petersburg State University

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Leading Researcher in the State Hermitage’s Oriental Department, Curator of Mongolian, Tibetan and Khotan Collections, Lecturer of the Department of Mongolian Studies and Tibetology at St. Petersburg State University


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How to Cite
Elikhina Y. I. HE FINDS FROM MEZHEGEY SETTLEMENT (REPUBLIC OF TYVA), STORED IN THE STATE HERMITAGE // THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 2021. Vol. 33, № 1. P. 162-171 DOI: 10.14258/tpai(2021)33(1).-10. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/tpai/article/view/9402.