Keywords: Sakhalin Island, Paleometal age, Nabil culture, pit dwelling, pointed shape pottery, stone tools, tubular beads, iron


The article analyzes the archaeological materials of the two Nabil dwellings located on the sand spit, which separates one of the largest lagoons in the north-eastern part of Sakhalin Island from the Sea of Okhotsk. The researched archaeological objects are presented by pit dwellings with entrances in the form of a corridor-crawlway. The objects are synchronized, and they have C14 calibration age within the 4th –2nd century BC. During the existence of the settlement (the climate boundary was between Sub-Boreal and Sub-Atlantic phases) the climate was a little warmer than the modern one. The objects were located in the favourable fishing area of the island. The household complexes of the dwellings are similar. The Nabil’s pottery has foreign cultural influence and it is differentiated from the Early Nabil complexes. There are a lot of stone tools intended for the fishery. The stone tools were locally produced. There are both the stone tools and the corroded metal fragments and the stone replica of the metal tools. The Nabil jewelry is of transit origin and it shows the presence of relationships between South Sakhalin and the continental areas of Far East. It is assumed that in the conditions of a shortage of metals, the need for its import caused the integration of the peoples of Sakhalin into the system of regional trade and exchange relations.


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Author Biography

Pavel A. Pashentsev, OOO “Iziskatel SakhGU”

Researcher, Small Innovative Enterprise of Sakhalin State University OOO “Iziskatel SakhGU”


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