New data on the zooplankton of watercourses of the National Park “Krasnoyarsk Stolby”


Krasnoyarsk region
Yenisei basin

How to Cite

Yermolaeva, N. I., Fetter, G. V., Zarubina, E. Y., & Tropina, E. F. (2023). New data on the zooplankton of watercourses of the National Park “Krasnoyarsk Stolby”. Acta Biologica Sibirica, 9, 35–54.


Based on natural materials collected by the authors in 2020-2022, data on zooplankton in the watercourses of the “Krasnoyarsk Stolby” National Park are summarized. A list of 85 species is given: 38 species and subspecies of rotifers, 26 species of cladocerans, 11 species of cyclops, and 10 species of harpacticidae. For the first time, 24 species of rotifers, 10 species of cladocerans, 14 species of copepods were discovered or identified to species.


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