Discovery of the ogre-faced spiders (Aranei: Deinopidae) in Sumatra (Indonesia), with description of a new species


Sunda Islands

How to Cite

Fomichev, A. A., & Omelko, M. M. (2023). Discovery of the ogre-faced spiders (Aranei: Deinopidae) in Sumatra (Indonesia), with description of a new species. Acta Biologica Sibirica, 9, 361–368.


A new species, Asianopis gorochovi sp. n. is diagnosed and described from the Sumatra Island based on a single male. The family Deinopidae C. L. Koch, 1850 is recorded from Sumatra for the first time. Detailed description, digital photographs and distributional map are provided.


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Logunov DV (2018) A new ogre-faced spider species of the genus Deinopis MacLeay, 1839 from Vietnam (Aranei: Deinopidae). Arthropoda Selecta 27 (2): 139–142.

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WSC (2023) World Spider Catalog. Version 24.0. Natural History Museum Bern, online at, accessed on March, 2023.

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