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Oskina, V. A., & Vistovskaya, V. P. (2016). ASSESSMENT OF FOOD MICROBIAL CONTAMINATION BY SALMONELLA REPRESENTATIVES. Acta Biologica Sibirica, 2(2), 103-109.


The spread of Salmonella in foods is important. Microorganisms of the genus Salmonella at present remains one of the most common causative agents of foodborne diseases that pose a threat to humans. In Russia in recent years, noted the leadership of salmonellosis in the flare of disease caused by food transmission of infectious agents. For the past 10 years (2004-2013) the average recorded 48.7 thousand cases of human infection with salmonella with few deaths -. 8-14 a year. Since the main source of representatives of the genus Salmonella are for human food products, there is need to control livestock products against this microorganism. The article presents the data for the 2012-2104 biennium., сharacterizing the degree of reduction of microbial contamination of food representatives p. Salmonella, because in 2012 it was 9.5% in 2013. - 1.3%, in 2014 - 1.0%. The results showed that the samples of poultry meat and meat products were characterized by a high level of detection of bacteria p. Salmonella. The study of animal products serovariantami district were identified Salmonella Group B, C and D.
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