Diversity and sustainability of bird communities in the Irtysh River valley (the Tyumen Oblast, Russia)

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Supplementary material 1


Uvat region
floodplain of the River Irtysh
species composition
biodiversity and stability of bird communities
rare and protected bird species

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Ivanova, M. Y., Gashev, S. N., Pokazanieva, P. E., Klimshin, I. P., Bogomyakova, N. G., Bayanov, S. A., Ivanov, A. O., & Tupitsyn, S. S. (2024). Diversity and sustainability of bird communities in the Irtysh River valley (the Tyumen Oblast, Russia). Acta Biologica Sibirica, 10, 325-347. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11161046


This study investigates the avifauna of the Irtysh floodplain from June 1 to September 1, 2022–2023, revealing a rich diversity of 117 bird species across 14 groups. A notable discovery was the first documented nesting of the blackbird Turdus merula in the Uvat region. Additionally, the presence of 11 rare and declining bird species, as listed in the Red List of the Russian Federation and the Tyumen Oblast, was confirmed. The research delves into the ecological and faunal characteristics of bird communities within the key biotopes of the Uvat region, analyzing species composition, total bird population, diversity indices, and community stability. The findings indicated a direct correlation between these parameters and the heterogeneity of plant cover, spatial distribution, and food availability in critical habitats. Despite various anthropogenic activities like habitat fragmentation, tree and shrub cutting, burning, oil field operations, and recreational pursuits observed in the surveyed areas of the Irtysh floodplain, the overall stability of the bird community remained intact.



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