First record of Lynceus brachyurus (Branchiopoda: Diplostraca: Laevicaudata: Lynceidae) in Armenia


Caucasus Ecoregion
clam shrimp
highland wetland

How to Cite

Hakobyan, S., Jenderedjian, K., & Kalashian, M. (2024). First record of Lynceus brachyurus (Branchiopoda: Diplostraca: Laevicaudata: Lynceidae) in Armenia. Acta Biologica Sibirica, 10, 395-400.


Lynceus brachyurus was first discovered in the highland wetland of Armenia. This finding not only contributes to our understanding of the geographic distribution of Lynceus brachyurus but also sheds light on the ecological preferences and adaptability of this species to diverse habitats.


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