The influence of ants on the environment and their relationship with ecosystem components


consort interactions
greenhouse gases

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Mikhaleiko, B. A., Babenko, A. S., Khovalyg, A. O., Mongush, S. D., Dongak, M. I., Kanzivaa, S. O., Ondar, S. O., & Kirpotin, S. N. (2024). The influence of ants on the environment and their relationship with ecosystem components. Acta Biologica Sibirica, 10, 901–919.


Having a wide geographical distribution and, as an engineering species, actively transforming the landscapes they inhabit, ants have a significant impact on the environment, creating new biogenic landforms and changing a number of its parameters, including biotic ones. This review is devoted to the consideration of the diverse environment-forming activities of ants in different regions of the world. An analysis of the scientific literature carried out in this context revealed a clear disproportion between the fairly good knowledge of tropical regions and the insufficient knowledge of temperate latitudes. The environment-forming activity of ants actively populating grasslands removed from agricultural use: steppes, continental and floodplain meadows of temperate latitudes has been especially poorly studied, which determines the undoubted priority of this area of research.


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