Orthoptera and Mantodea in the Continental biogeographical region and adjacent areas of European Russia (data paper)


Broadleaved forests
forest steppe
mole crickets
meridional gradient
pitfall traps

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Aleksanov, V. V., Ruchin, A. B., Karmazina, I. O., Shulaev, N. V., Esin, M. N., Lukiyanov, S. V., Lobachev, E. A., Nikolaeva, A. M., Volodchenko, A. N., & Anikin, V. V. (2024). Orthoptera and Mantodea in the Continental biogeographical region and adjacent areas of European Russia (data paper). Acta Biologica Sibirica, 10, 959–983. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13762159


Orthoptera is one of the most conspicuous groups of insects in any landscape. However, limited data on this group of insects have been published for European Russia. This article describes an occurrence dataset providing primary data on Orthoptera and Mantodea in European Russia, covering areas from the Kaluga region to Tatarstan and from the Nizhny Novgorod region to the Saratov region. A notable aspect of the dataset is the using of a wide range of sample methods, including acoustic observation, sweep net, pitfall traps, Malaise traps, pan traps, window traps, and beer traps. In total, 64.238 specimens were sampled across 1,186 plots. The dataset includes 7.095 occurrences representing 91 species of Orthoptera and 1 species of Mantodea. The number of plots, occurrences, and specimens is provided for each species in the article. The contribution of different sampling methods to insect identification is discussed. The latitudinal and longitudinal distributions of the species within the study area are analyzed.




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