First records of two Triplax species (Coleoptera, Erotylidae) from Kazakhstan


Triplax aenea
T. melanocephala
pleasing fungus beetles
new findings
Jetisu and Zhambyl oblast

How to Cite

Temreshev, I. I. (2024). First records of two Triplax species (Coleoptera, Erotylidae) from Kazakhstan. Acta Biologica Sibirica, 10, 1075–1086.


Pleasing fungus beetles Triplax aenea (Schaller, 1783) and T. melanocephala (Latreille, 1804) from the family Erotylidae are firstly recorded from Kazakhstan. A new key to known species of the genus Triplax from Kazakhstan is given. The finds of T. aenea from South-East Kazakhstan are currently new record for this species for Central Asia. The finds of T. melanocephala from South-East Kazakhstan are currently the easthernmost localities for this species and new record for Central Asia. Dryad's saddle mushroom Cerioporus squamosus, big sheath mushroom Volvopluteus gloiocephalus, Rhodofomes roseus and milk-caps mushroom Lactarius badiosanguineus are firstly recorded from Kazakhstan for T. aenea; fungi from family Agaricaceae – field mushroom A. campestris and Prince mushroom A. augustus for T. melanocephala.


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