The article presents the results of field geobotanical research of spruce forests, held in 2016 in the reserve “Kisluhinsky”. Nineteen plant associations with the participation of Siberian spruce (Picea obovata) have been identified and described, which were united in six associations of groups (sedges spruce, horse-tails spruce, greenmoss and grass spruce, ferny spruce, shrubby spruce, and grassy pine-spruce-birch forest).
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Kuminova, A.V., Vagina, T.A., Lapshina, E.I. (1963). Geobotanicheskoe raionirovanie yugo-vostoka Zapadno- Sibirskoi nizmennosti (pp. 35–62). In: Rastitel'nost' stepnoi i lesostepnoi zon Zapadnoi Sibiri. Novosibirsk: Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (in Russian).
Semenov, B.S. (1930). Kisljanskij torphjanik Barnaul’skogo okruga. Altajskii sbornik, 12, 74–86 (in Russian).

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