A new material for the genus Afrohercostomus Grichanov, 2010 was recently collected and/or identified. The present research gives new records, including A. eronis (Curran, 1926) found for the first time in Cameroon and Ethiopia, A. golubtsovi (Grichanov, 1999) in Burundi, A. ultimus (Parent, 1935) in Uganda, and A. jani (Dyte, 1957) in Kenya. First colour photographs are provided for A. eronis and A. jani.
Grichanov, I.Ya. (2010). A new genus of Dolichopodini from tropical Africa (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). International Journal of Dipterological Research, 21, 183–194.
Grichanov, I.Ya. (2011). An illustrated synopsis and keys to Afrotropical genera of the epifamily Dolichopodoidae (Diptera: Empidoidea). Priamus Serial Publication of the Centre for Entomological Studies Ankara Supplement, 24, 1–99.
Grichanov, I.Ya. (2018). An annotated catalogue of Afrotropical Dolichopodoidae (Diptera). St.Petersburg: VIZR, 1–152 (Plant Protection News Supplements, 25).
Grichanov, I.Ya., Brooks, S.E. (2017). 56. Dolichopodidae (long-legged dance flies). In: Kirk-Spriggs, A.H., Sinclair, B.J. (Eds), Manual of Afrotropical Diptera. Volume 2. Nematocerous Diptera and lower Brachycera. Suricata 5. Pretoria: SANBI Graphics & Editing, 1265–1320.
Grichanov, I.Ya., Mostovski, M. B., Muller, B. (2011a). New records of Afrotropical Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from the collection of Natal Museum (1). International Journal of Dipterological Research, 22, 1, 3–9.
Grichanov, I.Ya., Mostovski, M. B., Muller, B. (2011b). New records of Afrotropical Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from the collection of Natal Museum (2). International Journal of Dipterological Research, 22, 2, 81–98.

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