Investigation of biodiversity and distribution of rove beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) in the agrolandscape in Northwestern Russia
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biodiversity; rove beetles; agrolandscape; Northwestern Russia

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Guseva, O. G. (2019). Investigation of biodiversity and distribution of rove beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) in the agrolandscape in Northwestern Russia. Acta Biologica Sibirica, 5(1), 12-18.


62 species of 38 genera of Staphylinidae were found on the field of wheat and on adjacent semi-natural habitats in the Leningrad Region. They vary by the occupied areas and their abundance on various parts of agrolandscape. Philonthus cognatus Steph., Dinaraea angustula (Gyll.) and Aloconota gregaria (Er.) have shown to be the most numerous species on the wheat field, whereas Drusilla canaliculata (F.) and Zyras humeralis (Grav.) are the most abundant in adjacent habitats. The population of the rove beetles varies significantly between the field and adjacent semi-natural habitats
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