The current species composition and ecological-geographical characteristics of plankton communities in the littoral zone of some lakes of the Uldza-Torey basin (Trans-Baikal Territory)
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plankton; algae; invertebrates; littoral; Uldza-Torey basin

How to Cite

Tashlykova, N., & Afonina, E. (2019). The current species composition and ecological-geographical characteristics of plankton communities in the littoral zone of some lakes of the Uldza-Torey basin (Trans-Baikal Territory). Acta Biologica Sibirica, 5(2), 102-110.


We studied the taxonomic structure and ecological characteristics of the plankton in the coastal zone of some mineral lakes and reservoirs of the Uldza-Torey basin (Transbaikal Territory) in August 2018. We established that the lake plankton had low species diversity: there were 47 species of microalgae and 43 species of invertebrates. Ecological-geographical analysis (geography and habitat) showed the prevalence of widespread species of algae and invertebrates in plankton. We registered species of the plankton-benthic complex in the phytoplankton and eurybiont species in the zooplankton. The use of cluster analysis allowed us to identify algo- and zoocenoses with similar taxonomic composition.
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