Rare and endangered plant species and rare plant communities of specially protected natural areas in Altai Krai
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rare and endangered plant species
rare phytoceonoses
specially protected natural areas (PAs)

How to Cite

SilantyevaМ., Elesova, N., & Speranskaya, N. Y. (2019). Rare and endangered plant species and rare plant communities of specially protected natural areas in Altai Krai. Acta Biologica Sibirica, 5(4), 38-43. https://doi.org/10.14258/abs.v5.i4.6817


The article describes results of years of research vegetation cover 10 specially protected natural reservations (SPNR) Altai Region. We identified 38 rare and endangered plant species from the Red Book of Altai Region and 11 from the Red Book of Russia. We described 28 rare plant communities in the Altai Region, Siberia, and Russia. Among them we registered 11 steppe communities (out of eight PAs), 11 forest (out of two PAs), five floodplain (out of one PAs), and one marsh community (out of one PAs). This should be the basis for monitoring the rare and endangered plant species as well as rare and vulnerable plant communities.

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