The environmental-epidemiological analysis of intestinal infections in the human population of Rubtsovsk (Russia, Siberia) was performed within five year period taking into account the age, social status of patients, and the etiological structure of the disease. The data on microbiological analysis of drinking water were considered in order to establish the dominant routes of transmission of infection. There has been a steady upward trend in the incidence of intestinal infection with prevalence of acute intestinal infections of unknown etiology over 5 years in the city of Rubtsovsk. The incidence of acute intestinal infections was by more than 3 times higher among the child population than that among the adult population. The incidence of acute intestinal infections among children who do not attend pre-school institutions was by 5 times higher than among children of pre-school institutions. The quality of drinking water does not have a significant impact on the status of intestinal infections population of Rubtsovsk.
Keywords: ecological and epidemiological analysis, morbidity, acute enteric infections, etiological structure of morbidity
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