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meteorological parameters

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Matsyura, A. V. (2015). BIRD MIGRATION AND METEOROLOGICAL PARAMETERS – A REVIEW (PART I). Acta Biologica Sibirica, 1(1-2), 117-131.


The advantage scientific experience and contemporary hypotheses about weather impact on the bird migration pattern is summarized up to the 2000. The principal scientific results from various regions are given; the stimulating and blocking role of climate factors is underlined. The diverse research data regards to interrelations between migration and weather conditions are concluded, the principal atmospheric factors that have power influence on the intensity and character of bird migration are presented.

Key words: migration, birds, meteorological parameters, review
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Bergman, G., Donner, K.O. (1964). An analysis of the spring migration of the Common Scoter and the Long Tailed Duck in southern Finland. Acta Zool. Fenn. 105, 1-59.

Bingman, V.P., Aple, K.P., Kerlinger, P. (1982). Wind drift, compensation and the use of landmarks by nocturnal bird migrants. Anim. Behav. 30, 49-53.

Blokpoel, H., Richardson, W.J. (1978). Weather and spring migration of Snow geese across southern Manitoba. Oikos. 30, 350-363.

Bruderer, B. (1994). Radar studies on nocturnal bird migration in the Negev. Ostrich. 65, 204-212.

Bruderer, B. (1997). Migratory directions of birds under the influence of wind and topography. RIN Symposium Orientation & Navigation Birds, Humans & other animals. Oxford.

Bruderer, B. (1999). Three decades of tracking radar studies on bird migration in Europe and the Middle East. Proc. Intern. Seminar on Birds and Flight Safety in the Middle East. Israel.

Bruderer, B., Leichti, F. (1997). Variation in density and height distribution of nocturnal migration in the south of Israel. Israel J. Zoology. 41(3), 477-489.

Bruderer, B., Underhill, L.G., Leichti, F. (1997). Altitude choice of night migrants in a desert area predicted by meteorological factors. Ibis. 137, 44-45.

Drury, W.H., Nisbet, I.C.T. (1964). Radar studies of orientation of songbird migrants in south eastern New England. Bird Banding. 35, 69-119.

Evans, P.R. (1966). Migration and orientation of passerine night migrants in northeast England. J. Zool. 150, 319-69.

Flock, W.L., Bellrose, F.C. (1970). Radar detection of birds: a radar study of bird migration in the Central United States. Proc., World Conf. on Bird Hazards to Aircraft. Ottawa, Ontario.

Fortin, D., Leichti, F, Bruderer, B. (1999). Variation in the nocturnal flight behavior of migratory birds along the northwest coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Ibis. 141, 480-488.

Gauthreaux, S.A. (1970). Weather radar quantification of bird migration. Bioscience. 20, 17- 20.

Gauthreaux, S.A. (1971). A radar and direct visual study of passerine spring migration in southern Louisiana. Auk. 88, 343-365.

Hassler, S.S., Graber, R.R., Bellrose, F.C. (1963). Fall migration and weather, a radar study. Wilson Bull. 75, 56-77.

Helbig, A.J., Wiltshko, W., Laske, V. (1986). Optimal use of the wind by Mediterranean migrants. Proc . First Conf. Birds Wintering Mediterranean Region Aulla.

Hilgelroh, G. (1989). Autumn migration of trans Saharan migrating passerines in the Straits of Gibraltar. Auk. 106, 233-239.

Kerlinger, P., Moore, F.R. (1989). Atmospheric structure and avian migration. In: Power D. (Ed.) Current ornithology, N.Y.: Plenum.

Leichti, F., Bruderer, B., Paproth, H. (1995). Quantification of nocturnal bird migration by moonwatching comparison with radar and infrared observations. J. Field Orn. 66, 574-568.

Nisbet, I.C.T., Drury, W.H. (1968). Short term effects of weather on bird migration: a field study using multivariate statistics. Anim. Behav. 16, 496-530.

Rabol, J. (1993). The orientation systems of long distance passerine migrants displaced in autumn from Denmark to Kenya. Ornis Scand. 24, 183-196

Richardson, W.J. (1970). Temporal variations in the volume of bird migration: a radar study in Canada. Proc. World Conf. on Bird Hazards to Aircraft. Kingston, Ontario.

Richardson, W.J. (1978). Reorientation of nocturnal landbird migrants over the Atlantic ocean near Nova Scotia on autumn. Auk. 95, 717-732.

Richardson, W.J. (1990). Timing of bird migration in relation to weather: updated review. In: Bird Migration: Physiology and Ecophysiology (E. Gwinner, Ed.), Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.

Richardson, W.J.(1991). Wind and orientation of migrating birds: a review. In: Orientation in Birds (ed. P. Berthold), Birkhauser, Basel, Boston, Berlin.

Walker, J.M., Venables, W.A. (1990). Weather and bird migration. Weather. 46, 47-56.

Zalakevicius, M., Zalakevicius, R. (2001). Global climate change impact on birds: a review of research in Lithuania. Folia Zoologica. 50(1), 1-17.

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