The results of phytochemical studies of various types of raw materials (flowers, leaves, stems, roots) of some taxa of the genus Chrysanthemum (the family Asteraceae Dumort.): two species – Chrysanthemum coronarium, Ch. segetum and four varieties Ch. × hortorum Bailey – "Kupava", "Doch' Rozetty", "Oranzhevyj Zakat", "Vechernie Ogni". As the object of comparison Tanacetum vulgare L. was used. Quantitative characteristics of amino acids, macro- and microelements have been determined. The high ability of leaves to accumulate elements such as sodium (0.30–0.41%), calcium (1.24–2.13%), manganese (317.76–651.83 mg/kg), iodine (0.18–0.32 mg/kg), zinc (80.55–115.44 mg/kg), as well as amino acids (8.97–15.38 mg%). Roots contain as much as possible phosphorus (0.18–0.92%), copper (4.61–20.18 mg/kg) and iron (507.48–1234.71 mg/kg); in the stems – potassium (0.80–1.63%). Varying the studied indicators reflects the different biological value of the objects of research. The analysis of elemental and amino acid composition of various types of raw materials of some taxa of chrysanthemum showed that the studied cultivars are promising sources of amino acids, macro- and microelements. As alternative sources of biologically active substances, further studies have been proposed Ch. coronarium, Ch. segetum, Ch. × hortorum "Oranzhevyj Zakat" and "Vechernie Ogni".
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