UDC 543.544.32:633.16
The work shows the influence of the electromagnetic field of the microwave range (EMF microwave) on the variability of fatty acids and their derivatives in seedlings of corn of different ages. The object of the study was the corn seeds of the Belarusian selection of the Daria hybrid, which were treated with microwave EMF for 12 minutes with a frequency of 64–66 GHz, exposure power 10 mW. The control was untreated EMF microwave seeds. Fatty acids were determined by gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (GC-MS).
Analysis of fatty acids and their derivatives, occurring in seedlings of corn of different ages, showed that in the roots and leaves of corn fatty acid metabolism goes in different ways. On the 4th day of growth, the content of the following oxylipins increases in maize seedlings: hydroxymethyl ester of linoleic acid and octadecanoic acid, 2,3-dihydroxy propyl ether by 57.8% and 26.8%, respectively. By the 12th and 14th day of growth, the content of α-linolenic acid, which is the starting material for the synthesis of oxylipins, substantially increases in the roots of corn. Also, unsaturated fatty acids predominate in the roots, saturated in the leaves. Under the influence of the electromagnetic field of the microwave range in the roots of corn, a decrease in the content of saturated and, accordingly, the degree of unsaturation of fatty acids increases. In leaves, on the contrary, there was an increase in the amount of saturated and a decrease in unsaturated fatty acids after EMF treatment of corn seeds. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, linoleic and linolenic, predominate in the seedlings, roots and leaves of corn. In this regard, it can be assumed that the stimulating effect of pre-sowing treatment of microwave EMF on germination, growth and development of corn occurs through the accumulation of unsaturated fatty acids and oxylipins as a response of the plant to exogenous exposure.
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