Variation of leaf margin serration in Populus nigra of industrial dumps
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woody plants
Роpulus nіgra
leaf blade
leaf morphology
industrial dumps

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Shtirs, Y. A. (2017). Variation of leaf margin serration in Populus nigra of industrial dumps. Acta Biologica Sibirica, 3(2), 46-51.


The variability of leaf margin serration of Populus nigra L. in conditions of industrial dumps (coal mines dumps and overburden dumps) and city park is estimated. The value of this indicator is in the range from 1.25 to 1.76 and significantly increases along the gradient: coal mines dumps – overburden dumps – city park. From the number of selected gradations of P. nigra leaf blades, the gradation with values of 1.45-1.55 is most pronounced according to the analyzed index for industrial dumps, for the park – with the values of 1.55-1.65. The degree of serration of edge leaf blade is characterized by low values of variation – coefficient of variation is less than 10.0%. We registered the significant positive correlation between the average values of leaf margin serration and the length of P. nigra leaf blade.
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