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Ekaterina V. Shakhova Email: EWS05@yandex.ru


Return migration of the population is one of the ways to solve the demographic crisis both in the Primorsky Territory and throughout the country. In this regard, the study of these issues is currently relevant. The article presents the results of an expert survey in the Primorsky Territory, conducted in 2020-2021. research team of Altai State University, with the participation of the author. The purpose of this work is to analyze the expert opinion on the processes of return migration in the Primorsky Territory. The article presents the opinion of experts on the risks associated with migration of the population in Russia. The migration situation in the Primorsky Territory, represented by the outflow of the local population, is described. The region, according to expert opinion, is not attractive for the return of migrants from other countries, cases of return migration are not common; certain measures are needed to attract and reintegrate returning migrants. The opinion of experts is presented, according to which it is necessary to provide support and provide benefits for resettlement, first of all, to the former citizens of the USSR, while it is important to develop the economic direction of reintegration. The scientific novelty of the work lies in providing the current opinion of the expert community on the issues of return migration of the population in the Primorsky Territory. The practical significance of the work is associated with the analysis of the necessary measures aimed at attracting and reintegrating returning migrants.


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How to Cite
Shakhova, E. V. (2021). OPINION OF EXPERTS OF PRIMORSKY REGION ON RETURN MIGRATION IN THE REGION (ON THE MATERIALS OF SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH). Society and Security Insights, 4(3), 49-59. https://doi.org/10.14258/ssi(2021)3-03


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