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Olga V. Borisova Email:
Olga L. Sytykh Email:


The complex social, political and economic processes make more acute the need to study the civic identification and values of the Russian population. Civic identification is a significant component lying in the basis for the formation of civil society. Its function is the creation of unity, common belonging to a single social "organism", the feeling of "we-ness", and the feeling of being part of the whole, the perception of other members of society not as "others" but as "our own" that contributes to the formation of mutual understanding, social solidarity, unity of tasks and interests of individuals and society as a whole. Russian civic identification today considered as a basic identification, along with ethnic, confessional and others. The focus of the article is the analysis of civic identification and value orientations of residents of the border regions of Russia. The results of the research conducted in 2019 in Altai Krai, Novosibirsk Oblast and Altai Republic (n=1418) are presented. According to the results, it has been revealed that some value differences have a pronounced economic determination. Thus, poor financial situation, lack of personal, physical and mental resources led to the formation of different value orientations. The formation of other value orientations, in particular, more oriented on the opportunity to realize their civil rights, to manifest civic activity. Citizens with a low level of economic well-being more often chose health as the main life value. In addition, the comparative analysis of men and women's answers demonstrated adherence to traditional views on life. The most important are family happiness, personal security, and a calm and measured life.


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How to Cite
Borisova, O. V., & Sytykh, O. L. (2024). CIVIC IDENTIFICATION AND VALUE ORIENTATIONS OF THE POPULATION OF BORDER REGIONS OF RUSSIA. Society and Security Insights, 7(1), 40-51.
Author Biographies

Olga V. Borisova, Altai State University

Olga V. Borisova - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Social and Youth Policy, Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia.

Olga L. Sytykh, Altai State University

Olga L. Sytykh — Dr. Sci. (Philosophy), Professor at the Department of Social and Youth Policy, Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia.


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