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Tatiana V. Milaeva Email:


Currently, in Russia and the world, due to the influence of various factors, large-scale changes have taken place in the recruitment methods used by human resource management specialists. The most significant factors are the digitalization of society, increased competition among enterprises, lack of proper wages, a large number of job seekers, upgrading  society’s lifestyle and increased demand for skilled labour. After the pandemic and with the beginning of its development, the Russian labor market has significantly transformed. Due to the mobilization and mass departure of men from the country, enterprises lost a large number of employees. Employers are trying to retain their staff and attract new employees, using traditional and digital technologies for this purpose. Different recruiting practices can have a different type of impact. Therefore, an assessment of these relevant strategies is necessary to determine the most optimal, ethical and feasible recruitment practices that organizations can apply in order to gain competitive advantages and sustainability in the long run. The purpose of this study is to review and analyze current trends and features in recruitment and their impact on employers and job seekers. Based on the analysis of the available literature and research conducted earlier, including most recently, on this topic, the practices of using digital technologies and intelligent systems for recruitment are considered. A comprehensive review of modern recruitment strategies will help to compare the advantages and disadvantages of each of them in terms of their impact on employers and job seekers. In the future, it is necessary to continue research in this field in order to understand the viability of the practice of using artificial intelligence and digital technologies in the recruitment and personnel management process in order to understand what impact it will have on the labour market in the near future, will lead to an improvement or deterioration of the situation of job seekers.


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How to Cite
Milaeva, T. V. (2024). RECRUITMENT TRENDS IN RUSSIA AND THE WORLD IN 2021-2024 AND THEIR IMPACT ON JOB SEEKERS. Society and Security Insights, 7(2), 121-136.
Author Biography

Tatiana V. Milaeva, Institute for Socio-Economic & Energy Problems of the North, Federal Research Centre Коmi Science Centre

Cand. Sci. (Psychology), Associate Professor, Senior Researcher, Institute for Socio-Economic and Energy Problems of the North, Kоmi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the RAS, Syktyvkar, Russia.


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