Risk of social exclusion and social security of the elderly age persons in Russian regions

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С. Г. Максимова Email: svet-maximova@yandex.ru
О. Е. Ноянзина Email: noe@list.ru
Д. А. Омельченко Email: daria.omelchenko@mail.ru


An article presents results of the construction and approbation of a theoretical model of evaluation of risk social exclusion of population in the context of social security of elderly age groups in Siberian regions. It bases on the results of sociological research (2016) in three Russian regions: Altai region, Trans-Baikal region and Kemerovo oblast (n =779 age of respondents from 55 (women) and 60 (men) years and older). In theory, the model lays on the following: in is determined by economic (material) deprivation, deprivation of social rights (access to social institutes and services) and deprivation of security (safe environment), deprivation of social participation, cultural (normative) disintegration and social autism; the above named components are specific for the group of elderly people, that is a priori a high risk of exclusion; risk of social exclusion, as a condition and situation of exclusion can be estimated straightly through the manifestation of its dimensions; the model has a one-way causality, i.e. the manifestation of one of its dimensions can lead to the high manifestation of the social exclusion. Basing on dimensions, operationalized in questionnaire, we calculated as an index of components of the social exclusion, as the total social exclusion index for elderly people including its regional correlations.


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How to Cite
Максимова, С. Г., Ноянзина, О. Е., & Омельченко, Д. А. (2018). Risk of social exclusion and social security of the elderly age persons in Russian regions. Society and Security Insights, 1(1), 73-84. https://doi.org/10.14258/ssi(2018)1-06


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