Integrated ageing: social policy in the society of demographic security threats
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The article covers results of expert evaluation about functions of system of social policy in relation to the old population. We used results of sociological research with deep expert interviews during 2015-2016 in four border regions of Russian Federation (Altay kray, The Trans Baikal kray, Buratiya Republic, and Omsk oblast) (n = 80). In each region, 20 experts participated the research: representatives of legislative and executive bodies, local governments, non-commercial sector and scientific-pedagogic communities. Basing on expert evaluations, we estimated the presence and evidence of demographic crisis and ageing of population in contemporary Russian regions. In conditions of evident ageing, the border regions demonstrate similar tendencies and their reasons. The next stage was the determination of role of different social institutes in realization of social policy in relation to the old people. We conclude about presence of negative attitudes about ageing, active role and condition of the old population in contemporary society of demographic risksIntegration of the aged people into social relations lead to the higher life quality of the old people and could be achieved in a result of target regulation of social policy in the sphere of satisfaction of group and individual needs and resource possibilities of the given social-demographic group and its inclusion of all public sectors into the process.
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