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А. А. Горбунова Email:
С. Г. Максимова Email:
А. И. Попова Email:


The article presents the results of ethnic identity modeling, based on the data from sociological surveys in 9 border regions of Russia (Republic of Karelia, Orenburg oblast, Omsk oblast, Altai krai, Novosibirsk oblast, Republic of Altai, Amur oblast, Jewish autonomous oblast and Transbaikal krai) conducted in 2015-2017 by the group of scientists from the Altai State University (n= 4437, aged from 15 to 75 years). The proposed model is defined by socio-demographic characteristics, actual state of inter-ethnic relations, effectiveness of realization of State policy on nationalities in the region. The ethnic identity is measured directly through its emotional, cognitive and behavioral components; the model has unidirectional causality, that is the extent of each component can lead to an increase in ethnic identity expression. The grouping of regions based on differences in proportions of ethnic groups allowed to fulfil regional comparisons. The analysis of the proposed model shows that inter-regional differences in ethnic identity formation are largely connected with ethnic composition of the region.


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How to Cite
Горбунова, А. А., Максимова, С. Г., & Попова, А. И. (2018). THE MODEL OF ETHNIC IDENTITY OF POPULATION FROM BORDER REGIONS OF RUSSIA. Society and Security Insights, 1(2), 40-53.


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