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Marya I. Cherepanova Email:
Svetlana G. Maximova Email:


The relevance of the theoretical understanding of the system of formation of social trust in the context of increasing the importance of the challenges of the modern world is justified by the presence in recent decades of an avalanche of uncertainties and risks in most regions of Russia. Scientific problems are caused by insufficient elaboration of the problem of implementation of effective conditions and factors that would contribute to the optimal level of generalized trust in society. The purpose of the article is to provide a theoretical understanding of the basic conditions and factors that contribute to the reduction of social trust in modern Russian society. The description of institutional dysfunctions is presented, the analysis of their importance on the basis of synthesis of modern macro-micro sociological theories is carried out. The analysis of the system of formation of social trust is based on the basic approaches in the context of theories of risk society, as well as taking into account the structural-functional and neoevolutionary approaches, analyzing social trust as a construct of the social order of functioning of a social institution. It is concluded that the mechanism of institutional trust formation reflects the specificity of heterogeneity of institutional systems and is an indicator of disbalance in social order.


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How to Cite
Cherepanova, M. I., & Maximova, S. G. (2019). TRUST AND SECURITY . Society and Security Insights, 2(4), 34-39.


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